The finalist of Operación Triunfo has gathered hundreds of followers Shortly before twelve in the morning a long line ran through the central square of Parc Vallès. Hundreds of...
The prize is part of the # EstiuParcVallès contest One more year, Parc Vallès has organized the traditional Instagram contest #EstiuParcVallès. The dynamics are simple: from July...
Hundreds of followers have come to the park to meet the singer Parc Vallès has experienced one of the most media events in recent months. The singer Miki Núñez has presented his...
A commitment for the inclusion in Terrassa One more year the Distrobada has become the epicenter of inclusion in Terrassa. Specifically, the Muntanyeta of Vallparadís Park has...
New Parc Bowling has been the scene of "La sortida" The Catalan pop-folk music group, Sense Sal , has recorded their last videoclip at Parc Vallès. The New Parc Bowling leisure...
The annual recognition to the athletes and sports entities of the city The Teatre Principal of Terrassa hosted the 44th edition of the Nit de l'Esportista on the night of Friday,...