
1ª Fira Esotèrica
Magical experience that connects lovers of spirituality, magic and mystery Parc Vallès is a land of witches and is full of mysteries. The stories and tales have been passed down...
Crys Dyaz
Challenge accomplished! More than 300 people participate in a joint session of physical activity Crys Dyaz accepted the challenge of Parc Vallès and on Friday, June 7, in the...
Parc Vallès collaborates in this new edition and promotes the offer of adapted and inclusive leisure The Coordinadora Capaç has organized for this Sunday, June 2, a new edition of...
Xavi Hernández , former player and now coach of FC Barcelona, received the title of best coach of the year in Terrasse, at the Gala of the Sport 2024, held in Terrassa. The...
With great satisfaction we share the news of obtaining the Biosphere certification . On last Wednesday March 13 , Ignasi Giménez Renom , president of the Regional Council of...
Parc Vallès is one of the sponsors of the Terrassa Sports Gala , which will take place next Friday, March 15 at the Teatro Principal. The manager of the complex, Núria Gàndara,...